
You may see a notification to update in Nextcloud’s admin section. Since updates are centrally managed, this feature is disabled. Your pod will automatically receive updates within 1-2 weeks of their release. We also run any required migration scripts for you. 😇

Warnings regarding .well-known paths

You may see warning regarding .well-known paths to CalDAV and CardDAV services in the Security & setup warnings section. Those are false positives and those paths will work as expected.

Adjust PHP Settings

The default maximum upload size is set to 512 MB. You can increase this or adjust other PHP settings by editing the uploads.ini file using SFTP. If you increase this value, you may also need to increase the pod’s memory allocation. Settings in this file are applied after restarting the pod or changing its resources. See here for a detailed description of available settings.

Scan for added files

If you uploaded files over SFTP, Nextcloud may not show them right away. You can add the below setting to ask it to look for new files on the file system. More on this here and here.

'filesystem_check_changes' => 1,

Maintenance Mode

You can enable or disable maintenance mode in the configs, accessible over SFTP. Find the file config/config.php and look for a line containing 'maintenance' => false,. Then change to true or false as needed.

In rare cases an installation can stay in maintenance mode after an update.